Tuesday, November 18, 2008

An Exercise in Frustration

Well, I made it back home with my replacement car license, after only an hour more at the car registration place. I left, about $30 lighter, only to get home and find that my internet had been turned off. Turns out that even though I paid it on Sunday, the bill didn't get processed for a couple of days, which meant that they turned it off today. Not only that, but they lost my credit card information (for the fourth time), which means I had to pay it in cash. And this is from the biggest internet provider in my country.

On a good note, I'm getting some great feedback on some of my stories from the new writer's critique site I joined recently, Review Fuse. I sent them a bunch of my older stories that haven't yet been published, and with the reviews I've gotten, I'll be able to edit them more knowledgeably and submit (or in the case of a few of them, re-submit) them for publication somewhere.

Of course, that will happen once I get a little more free time--most likely after I'm done with the current book project. Anyway, I'm halfway through with that, which is good.