Thursday, January 24, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well, I haven't written here in a while, and there's a good reason. I've been pretty busy, both with regular family and work stuff, and with writing. The book I've been co-ghostwriting is coming along pretty well, and I've got most of the first chapter of it done (I'm trying to get a chapter or so done every month). However, it's been an effort even to get that much done.

Things are starting to settle down a bit, though, and I'm hoping to post here more often on my progress (as well as actually pick up the pace on my progress!)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Check it out!

My short story "Ties That Bind" is appearing this month in the magazine "Perpetual," an online journal showcasing stories in all sorts of different genres.

Anyway, you should check it out.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Too bad, so sad

I just got word this week that my story "In Plain Sight" got rejected by Andromeda Spaceways. I can't say I'm entirely surprised. With my last story that was rejected by them ("Woman is Cipher"), among the comments was something like "too much kitschy detective stuff." Since "In Plain Sight" was pretty much nothing but kitschy detective stuff, I figure it was doomed from the start. Oh well. It was worth a shot, I suppose.