Monday, July 9, 2007

Spruced Up and Out the Door

I spent the last few days dusting off "Elbow Room," a likeable (at least in my view) little story that I originally submitted way back when to ASIM. It made it to the third round before being fired back to me. Anyway, I recently re-read it, saw a lot of good stuff there (again, IMO), and decided to give it a fresh go-over of editing and then send it on to a magazine I've discovered more recently: Ray Gun Revival,a golden-era sci-fi magazine that specializes in space opera and similar stories within that science fiction sub-genre. They also published my first published short story, so perhaps they'll be more amenable than many towards this effort. We'll see.

Anyway, it's on its way, and sometime soon, I'll hear what they think.

I'll keep you posted!