I'm learning to discipline myself to write whenever I have a few minutes of time. I carry my little Moleskine notebook with me, usually in my back pocket, and when I have a few minutes to spare (like when I'm waiting in line at the bank or proctoring a test) out it comes. I generally try to jot down a few lines for whatever short story I'm working on at the time. The most difficult thing for me when I do this is getting my head back into the story, but I think it's getting easier with practice.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Square One on the Detective Story
Okay, sports fans. It looks like once again, I'm scrapping most of the work I've done so far on the story I was tentatively entitling "Firewater." It was nearly done this time, too, but somehow, it still wasn't right. So after a few days of working through it, I decided to wipe the slate clean and start from the beginning. First, I did some research on the genre by dowloading actual detective stories from the 1920s and 30s and reading through them to get a feel for typical stories in the genre. Though this seems obvious, I hadn't actually done it up till that point. Then once I read a few, I started afresh. I was amazed how quickly I was able to get the voice of my character. I've found that with my best stories, once I have the "voice" of my character or characters, the story practically writes itself, as I always have a really good idea what they're going to do or say. I have a general idea of where the story is heading, but I let my characters take me there.
Anyway, I'm encouraged. The new story's clipping along nicely and it feels like a much better story, too.
Posted by
M. Lawrence Key
9:18 PM
Labels: Writing
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Back in the Saddle
I have been on a kind of hiatus, due to trying to recover from jet lag and an extremely frenetic time in the States. Now that I'm starting to feel like a human being again, I'm getting back to work. My favorite editor (my wife) got "Sinking NeoVenice" back to me with her edits and suggestions. Fortunately, she liked it. I have yet to hear opinions from others in my circle of first readers, so I'll ask them for feedback and then wrap up my final edits on that story soon. I also worked quite a bit on editing my other story "Firewater" the other night and then sat and wrote towards the ending. I've been kind of stuck on how to proceed with the ending, but I think after a couple of false starts, I've finally got a direction to head towards. Once it's done, then it'll be off to my friend Jim for feedback and we can start working it up into a screenplay.
Anyway, the rusty gears are grinding but the writing machine is starting up again.
Posted by
M. Lawrence Key
11:44 AM
Labels: Writing
Thursday, August 2, 2007
"Elbow Room" is Published
My short story "Elbow Room" has now been published in RayGun Revival Issue 27. You can download the complete issue as a PDF if you're interesting in reading the story.
Posted by
M. Lawrence Key
11:22 AM
Labels: Publication